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Once you've determined that trading the markets is a business enterprise you want to pursue you must chose a path to follow. Some seek out automated trading programs hoping that they can buy a successful auto-trading program that will bring them fortune and fame. Think this through: Would Goldman Sachs sell you their custom computer program that makes them hundreds of millions per year? NO, OF COURSE NOT!

Thus, you start off at the lower end of the food chain hoping the Black Box system you've purchased over the internet, from No-Name in the middle of Nowhere USA actually works as good as the hype on their website. It's a BLACK BOX SYSTEM. You don't know why it made money and you don't know why it lost money. All you know is if it starts losing more money than it makes... you have to turn it off and seek out another auto-trading program on the internet. Many people have lost many dollars playing that game. Speculating on Black Box trading software has become another form of GAMBLING.

The Proper Balance:

Discretionary trading combined with Reality.

We are presenting you a different solution. It's a two-step process. First we'll show you how to target viable trading opportunities based upon significant shifts in price momentum and volume momentum (Kwik*POP indicators and Dynamic Power Tools). Next we'll show you where the larger traders are likely to take action and how to take advantage of that knowledge. You'll know when a trade is setting up and if it has a reasonable probability of going your way because of large trader agreement. You can choose to take the trade or pass if there is no support for the trade. You'll be in total control and you'll understand the basis for the trade.

Trading Is A Business Requiring 100% Of Your Attention


When it comes to trading real money for a living... YOU ARE YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY. Our emotions (fear and greed) coupled with confusion can make us do some ridiculous things in the heat of battle.

Many studies have found that nearly half of all trading losses are attributable to over-compensation based upon fear or greed.

Learning to control your emotions and to develop a logical, structured discipline for trading is a daunting task, but it is a critical key to your success as a trader.


TRADING IS A BUSINESS! This is not a game of chance like a craps table in a gambling casino or hitting your lucky number in the Lotto drawing. This is all about defining the probabilities of success and learning to targeting opportunities where the odds favor success.

As a business owner in your own trading business, you know that trading requires discipline, patience, and total focus, and know the value of tools that can help you achieve trading success.

You are not willing to speculate on a doubling or tripling opportunity that offers a risk quotient that may destroy your capital base if you are wrong with your assumptions.

You seek out consistant, above average returns based upon a proven methodology targeting - to put it in baseball parlance - substantially more singles and doubles than just an occasional home run. In essence, you want a production line that can produce a widget at a fixed, controllable cost that can be sold at a cost plus a profit, time and time again.

Simple is the best. We can only comprehend a certain amount of information at any point in time and the greater the information overload, the less likely we are to succeed.


Those who do not take the time and effort to LEARN how to trade will never be able to develop a thriving trading business. Everybody wants a magic machine that spits out money every day without any effort or understanding on their part. THERE IS NO SUCH MACHINE... ANYWHERE.

Embrace the learning process, discover how the markets work, learn how to target set ups that make sense as a well-considered part of a sound trading business plan.


Learn How To Execute Consistent Trades


In our basic training material we are going to show you how to read the Kwik*POP indicators and using those indicators we will target two easy-to-identify trade set ups that repeat themselves over and over on a daily basis in almost any market. Our advanced methods will teach you how to trade with the big traders for an even better trading business.

Follow These Steps

Understanding how to trade based upon momentum reversals and pivot patterns requires a thorough understanding of the concept, as well as some homework and practice.


Download our FREE training manual by clicking HERE

This is a 100 page PDF document. Print it out and read it over a few times so you understand our definition of a PIVOT PATTERN and how we differentiate an UP TREND from a DOWN TREND based upon price momentum and volume momentum.


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Identifying and managing risk is the key to your success

Newer traders tend to dwell on the 'reward' side of the equation while ignoring the 'risk' side. That is a dangerous habit and it's the reason so many small traders fail at this business.

Understanding the real risk (probabilities of success) on a trade set up is the key to your success. Our ongoing Training Process helps quantify risk parameters on a variety of trade set ups. Understanding the probabilities of success on key price patterns allows you to design comprehensive trade management strategies.

Please review our RISK DISCLOSURE and be certain that you are sufficiently capitalized and can endure potentially significant losses. THIS IS THE MAJOR LEAGUE!

You'll be competing with some of the best minds and best traders in the business. 

Risk mitigation should be your focal point until you thoroughly understand the market dynamics.